Ghost of Tsushima 2 Seems to be in the Works, Judging by Sucker Punch Job Ads

Sucker Punch job ads suggest the studio is working on a new open world game with melee combat and stealth mechanics.

Ghost of Tsushima turned out to be massive success for Sucker Punch and Sony, perhaps even more so than any of them had expected. The open world action-adventure title has sold over 8 million units as of earlier this year, and a film adaptation is also in the works. Given all that, there’s little doubt in anyone’s mind that Sony will want to capitalize on the IP’s popularity by making a sequel, and it seems we’re beginning to see concrete evidence of one being in the works.

Sucker Punch has job ads up for several positions, which isn’t out of the ordinary for any studio by any means, but one particular listing is worth looking a little deeper into. A job ad for the position of Encounter Designer states that the developer is working on “an open world game, with a particular focus on melee combat and stealth.” If that doesn’t sound like a follow-up to Ghost of Tsushima, I don’t know what would.

We did get new Ghost of Tsushima content last year with the Iki Island expansion that came as part of Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PS5, but it’s likely that Sucker Punch will have put a certain section of its workforce to work on a full-fledged sequel not long after the original game’s PS4 launch in 2020. How long we have to wait until they’re ready to reveal that sequel remains to be seen.

Ghost of TsushimaGhost of Tsushima 2ps4ps5sonySucker Punch