Gigantic: Resolution Compromises Are Expected To Hit A Steady 60fps on Xbox One

Some development updates on Gigantic.

There aren’t a ton of details available about Gigantic a new MOBA shooter that is set for release at some point in 2016 and is being developed by Motiga studios but a few more pieces of information about the game have started to trickle out this week. We know the game is slated for a PC and Xbox One release and there is going to be a beta in the early part of 2016. Now we’re getting a little more information about the mechanics and the look of the game.

VP of Product Development James Phinney recently held an AMA on Reddit where he and other members of the development team made themselves available for some questions about the game. Among the information the developers were willing to divulge was that there might actually need to be some resolution compromises in order to get Gigantic to run at 60fps on the Xbox One. “We’ll see, but I would expect some resolution compromises for steady 60 fps, especially in the thick of combat.” Phinney said.

CEO Chris Chung took to the keyboard in order to tell people that at present, the company isn’t using DirectX 12 and instead Gigantic is being built using DirectX 11. Finally, the company talked about the fact that it has recently laid off a number of team members. Chung said that while the decision was quite painful the cuts that were made were done in a way so as to not hurt the development of Gigantic or delay its eventual release.

giganticMotiga Studiospcwindows 10Xbox One