Google Study: Gaming on Tablets More Popular Than Both Media Viewing and Social Networking

In a new study, more than half the participants gamed within a two week period.

Still think gaming on tablets and mobiles is for “casuals”? Despite the presence of triple A titles from premier game companies like Square-Enix and Epic Games, the mobile devices haven’t been able to shake the stigmata that they’re meant to be enjoyed by people who wouldn’t go anywhere near an FPS.

However, in a new study which Google commissioned and published, around 51.5% of participants had been gaming on their tablet within a two week duration, of which it represented 10.9% of the total incidents of use. Compare this to checking checking e-mails where number of participants and the number of incidents stood at 84.5% and 18.9% respectively.

Even more interestingly, the report discovered that gaming was apparently more popular than both media viewing and social networking.

The purpose of the report? “By better understanding current tablet activities and their context, these findings may serve as a basis for anyone designing and developing applications and sites for tablets”

So next time you see a big-name dev focussing their efforts on the iPad, just remember that they know what they’re doing.

Source: GIBiz

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