Grand Theft Auto 5 Gameplay Video Dissected: Features That You May Have Missed

Some new details from the gameplay trailer.

Rockstar have released the first gameplay video of GTA 5 and it looks unbelievably gorgeous. The video clicking at almost 5 minutes shows some of the gameplay mechanics and features that players can expect. You can check it out above.

So what’s new in GTA 5?

First of all players can now carry multiple weapons of the same type.

gta 5 gunsgta 5 guns

Although not confirmed, the wind may affect the projectile of your bullets while hunting.

gta 5 huntinggta 5 hunting

Character switching is extremely smooth in Grand Theft Auto 5. Take a look at the GIF below.

As you must be already aware, you can flip characters on the fly in the game via a mini map. But the map also gives you a good indication of what each playable characters are doing.

gta 5 mini mapgta 5 mini map

It seems that players can tow boats and other objects to your vehicle if the screenshot below is any indication.

Additionally, sounds made by guns are also indicated by  the minimap.

If you looks closely at the mini-map you will see three bars. We wonder what they are. May be they indicate heath, armor and special ability.

Several new and old features have now been confirmed. Players can now engage themselves in:

  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • Dirt bikes
  • Skydiving
  • Buying houses and clothes
  • Scuba diving with sharks and looking for treasure
  • Flying planes
  • Buying and customizing cars
  • Some character customization
  • Riding bikes
  • Hunting
  • Bounties
  • Investing in Stock Market

Let us know in the comments section below if we have missed out something.

GIFs taken from Reddit.

Grand Theft Auto 5pcps3RockstarTake Twoxbox 360