Grand Theft Auto V: 3 Million Copies Ready for UK Launch

Poised to be the fastest selling title of all time in the UK this September.

Rockstar Games knows that their upcoming open world action adventure title and the follow-up to one of the most successful franchises of all time Grand Theft Auto V will open to a big reaction. In fact, they’re taking no chances and have set aside a massive three million copies for the game’s launch in the UK, according to a retail source that spoke to CVG.

This means that Grand Theft Auto V is already poised to beat the stuffing out of the previous holder of the title of fastest selling game in the UK ever, namely Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops.

Considering that the install base of both Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles in the UK is about 13 million units, this means that Grand Theft Auto V will be selling to a fifth of the total number of consoles in that country. Heck, and that’s just the copies at launch – it could easily reach 10 million units sold in the UK alone.

Grand Theft Auto V will be shipping worldwide on September 17th.

Grand Theft Auto Vps3rockstar gamesxbox 360