Guacamelee! 2 Releasing on Switch December 10 and Xbox One in January

Get ready to jump back into the Mexiverse.

Guacamelee! 2, one of the better Metroidvania titles we’ve played in the last few years, launched on the PS4 and PC earlier this year to predictably great reception. DrinkBox Studios had promised that the game would eventually be making its way to the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One as well, and now, they have confirmed release dates for both, releasing separate videos for each system’s announcement, both of which you can view below.

On the Nintendo Switch, Guacamelee! 2 will be releasing on December 10, which is less than two weeks away. The video’s description also states that those who have Guacamelee!: Super Turbo Championship Edition on the system will get 30 per cent off on the second game’s purchase.

Meanwhile, on the Xbox One, Guacamelee! 2 will be releasing next month in January, though a more specific release date hasn’t been provided. If you’re wondering whether Guacamelee! 2 is worth the price of admission, you should check out our review here (spoilers: it absolutely is).

A DLC pack was also recently released for the game, while a second one is scheduled for launch in the coming days as well. Read more on that through here.

DrinkBox StudiosGuacamelee 2nintendo switchpcps4Xbox One