Guerrilla working on Killzone 4, reveals Edge

The latest issue of gaming magazine Edge has just landed, and it reveals that Guerrilla Games is working on Killzone 4, dubbing it as a “Killzone follow-up”.

“The bulk of Guerrilla’s staff (is soldiering) on with the next Killzone instalment,” claims the mag. Killzone 2 and 3’s Senior Producer Steven Ter Heide will is acting as game director on this project.

Guerrilla’s studio recruiter Adrian Smith also suggested, in the very same issue, that the Killzone franchise’s next project is underway, saying “we’ve got to continue the Killzone franchise.”

Edge recently also revealed that the PS4 might be out by 2012, and also claimed that all first party Sony studios, Guerrilla included, have shifted development to the PS4. Could Killzone 4 be a launch title for Sony’s next home console? Or is it the PS Vita Killzone game that this article is refering to?

Tell us what you think in your comments below.


Guerrilla Gameskillzone 3Killzone 4ps3sony