Harmonix May Be Teasing Return of Rock Band With New Rock Band 3 DLC

Not very subtle there, Harmonix...

While a return of Harmonix’s hit and beloved Rock Band series of music games has been teased and rumored for while now, we haven’t exactly had anything concrete. This… is not it either. If anything, it sounds like Harmonix is stoking the fires even more, just to lean back and enjoy the frenzy.

Harmonix today released brand new DLC for Rock Band 3 (yes, I know, DLC for such an old game, this, folks, is how you do it)- these were two new songs with rather alarmingly communicative titles- Tenacious D’s Rize Of The Fenix and Weezer’s Back to the Shack. Both names are, of course, indicating some form of revival and return to business.

Harmonix, for their part, were perfectly coy about this.

“They are awesome songs with great titles,” Harmonix community manager Aaron Trites said, whistling nonchalantly. “Rock on!”

The DLC is available only on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game, incidentally, so if you own the Wii version, you are out of luck. This, too, may be a hint to the future of the series.

Harmonixps3Rock BandRock Band 3Wiixbox 360