Heavenly Sword 2 was in development but canned along with other titles

Sony was developing Heavenly Sword 2 in 2008 but has canned it according to an ex-Sony employee’s CV. He used to work for Sony Cambridge and has released a video which shows plenty of canned Sony games.

Some of them are intriguing. Earlier it was rumoured that the recent Sony reveal would be Heavenly Sword 2 but it ended but being God of War: Ascension.

Heavenly Sword was supposed to be set in hell following the events of the events of the first game, which was revealed by Ninja Theory’s Tameem Antoniades.

Check out the video below which shows the canned games. It shows some old games like LBP which this specific animator worked on, and also a bunch of other games.

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Heavenly Sword 2Ninja Theoryps3sonySony Cambridge