Hellraid Q&A Discusses Game Master Mode, New Screenshots Revealed

Go to hell. Again.

Techland has posted a new Q&A for the upcoming first person co-op slasher Hellraid, discussing in detail just what the game is about, along with the Game Master system that makes it stand out.

According to the developer, Hellraid lets you travel between levels using portals, and allows you to play each level an innumerable number of times. This means playing every side quest and doing anything necessary to complete the story campaign.

Hellraid features four character classes: Warrior, Mage, Paladin and Rogue, each with their own skill trees and weapons. You can trade items with friends, but you’ll be competing with them as well, especially in co-op, for experience points and treasure with numerous skills, rewards and items to be had.

That co-op experience is where the Game Master shines. As a throwback to the old pen and paper RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons, the Game Master is a system that places various challenges and rewards for players through different levels. It apparently changes things up on the fly, including number and placement of enemies along with treasure chests and loot you’ll find.

While it works in single player as well, Game Master shines in co-op due to the challenges to be had while competing against friends. Apparently, Hellraid will boast hundreds of hours of gameplay thanks to the addition of Game Master. It will release this year for Xbox 360, PC and PS3.

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