Hitman: Agent 47 Day One Content Announcement Coming Shortly After Gamescom

'We need to gain people's trust.'

We already know the unusual, Early Access, Splatoon-esque model that the new Hitman game, Agent 47, is adapting for when it launches later this year, but what we don’t actually know yet is what all we will get with the game when we spend money for it upfront- essentially, will Agent 47 have enough in it to justify spending $60 on it right off the bat?

That announcement is coming soon, after Gamescom, IO Interactive confirmed to VideoGamer today.

“We were very happy with our E3 overall,” IO studio head Hannes Seifert said. “I think the announcement went really well. People got the game… Obviously there are people who are nervous about the release model. Why? Because it’s new. It’s unproven. And I think people nowadays have a critical approach because some have good experiences, some have bad experiences and we need to gain people’s trust. That’s our next step.

“We will [announce what content is available day one] very soon after Gamescom,” Seifert continued. “This is a huge opportunity for us to listen to the world and to align with everybody. Based on that we will communicate our roll-out plan. We also need to complete it because I don’t want to promise a roll-out plan we can’t keep. We need to be very sure about this is the quality we can achieve and this is the point in time we can deliver it. When we promise that we will be good with that. That’s why it takes a little bit [of time] to make this plan solid. But I fully agree, before someone makes the commitment to buy the game they need to know what they’re getting. And that’s what we have to communicate in a very crystal clear way.”

He also confirmed that there will be no unnecessary microtransactions or DLC in the game.

“No microtransactions, no paid DLC,” he said. “The whole game will be for the full price, no extra cost. There is nothing hidden away you could even spend extra money on. That is very important to us. When we look at the overall scope of the game… we see that the game we’re currently creating – when it’s completed – it will be bigger than Blood Money. That’s a very good foundation to benchmark when we’re talking about the single-player campaign. If you add Contracts, online hits and other weekly content that we’re going to release it will be the biggest Hitman game ever created.”


Agent 47 will be available on Xbox One, PS4, and PC this December.



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