Hitman Celebrates First Anniversary With A Delightful Infographic

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Hitman came out a year ago, and against all odds, the game went on to become hugely successful. Somehow, the game, which at first was thought to be a cynical cash grab, owing to its episodic structure, became the best example of games as a service that there is, and it has become one of the quintessential games of this generation.

A year from its release, IO Interactive and Square Enix have released a great infographic for the game, showcasing some cool statistics highlighting the first year of the game. Apart from numbers showing how well players have taken to the title, we also have some cool trivia (such as the fact that the total number of words for NPC chatter in the game exceed the word count of the Lord of the Rings trilogy).

Check out the infographic below. Hitman is available to purchase now, digitally or at retail, for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

HitmanIO Interactivepcps4Xbox One