Horizon: Zero Dawn Patch 1.02 Out, Adds Additional Graphical Settings On PS4 Pro

The ability to prioritize framerate over resolution (or vice versa) has been added.

Horizon: Zero Dawn is not even out yet, but it looks like Guerrilla is already laying down the work to make it an even better experience for players. Patch 1.02 for the game is now out (meaning that for most players, it is likely to be a part of the day one updates that they will have to download and install for the game).

The new patch fixes multiple bugs in the game that were causing crashes and impeding player progression. It also improves performance of the game all around, and adds new graphical settings for the PS4 Pro version. The new settings include an HDR toggle, as well as the option to prioritize either framerate or resolution, according to DualShockers (I know which one I would pick).

Horizon: Zero Dawn is due out on February 28 on PlayStation 4, with heavy PS4 Pro specific enhancements also featured. Will you be getting it? Let us know in the comments below!

Guerrilla GamesHorizon: Zero Dawnps4ps4 prosony