inFamous: Second Son Utilizes Havok Physics Engine for Collision Detection, Realistic Debris

Havok talks about delivering the realistic physics for Sucker Punch's open world title.

Ever wondered what helped Sucker Punch Productions’ inFamous: Second Son maintain a strong physical fidelity without compromising on performance? Havok has announced today that the game has made use of their Havok Physics engine alongside Sucker Punch’s own in-house engine in order to bring the virtual world of Seattle in Second Son to life.

Havok Physics was used for simulation of objects and debris but also helped in delivering reliable collision detection. As President & Managing Director David Coghlan, states, “Havok’s newest and latest physics technology delivers significant technical innovations in performance and memory utilization allowing developers to leverage the incredible capabilities of platforms like the PlayStation 4 to take simulation to the next level

“Havok’s advanced physics technology and Sony’s robust hardware open up the possibilities for impressive titles like inFamous: Second Son.”

What did you make of the physics and overall visuals within inFamous: Second Son? Let us know in the comments below.

HavokHavok PhysicsInfamous: Second Sonps4sonySucker Punch Productions