Infinity Ward announces Double XP period for Modern Warfare 3

Infinity ward has announced the double XP period for Modern Warfare 3, which begins from today and lasts till 29th March, which falls on a Tuesday.

“Double XP for all #MW3 playlists (including all platforms) 5/23 through 5/29,” tweeted the official Twitter account of Infinity Ward.

Modern Warfare 3 delivers a multiplayer experience that continues to raise the bar by focusing on fast-paced, gun-on-gun combat, along with innovative features that support and enhance a large variety of play-styles. Now, you can truly define your approach with a toolkit more expansive than any previous title.

Killstreaks have been redesigned, new game modes are being introduced, and a gun progression system evolves your weapons over time. Along with new perks, 16 maps and enhanced private match customization, multiplayer has been completely re-balanced and polished into the most intense and rewarding experience possible.

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