Just Cause 3 Patch 1.02 Addresses Load Times

Of course, how long does the update take to load? That is the question here.

One of the biggest issues with Just Cause 3 (and it has a lot of issues, so you know the biggest issue has to be, well, big) was its egregiously long loading times. Reports stated that the load times easily go past the 2-3 minute mark on PS4 and PC, and on Xbox One, they can sometimes be as ridiculously long as 15 minutes.

Well, Avalanche and Square Enix are releasing a brand new update for the game with the aim of improving the load times- the update is out for the PS4 right now, with a PC version of the patch due to follow on Friday, and Xbox One later in the week.

In addition to the improved load times, the 132 MB patch also features “general stability fixes”, optimzes online stats and fixes an issue that could cause vehicles to disappear when starting a challenge. On the PC version of the game, it also fixes an issue that could cause the screen to resize and close before the game has fully started.

“Since launch, we’ve been pouring through your reviews and comments to help us prioritise our fixes accordingly,” read an update on the game’s website. “We know many of you have been patiently awaiting today’s patch, and this update is part of a much larger plan to optimize and improve the game. Thanks for your patience here.”

That’s all well and good, but, as always, I just wish that the game had launched in an unbroken state to begin with.

Avalanche Softwarejust cause 3pcps4Square EnixXbox One