Just What Will Fallout 4 Sound Like?

Listen to that sweet, sweet soul music.

You’re still waiting for it, I’m still waiting for it and the good people of the gaming community still care about it. Thus the future of Fallout 4 is secure, of that we can be assured. However, as you’re no doubt aware (much to your dismay) there is so little information actually known about Fallout 4 that speculation seems to be redundant. Rather, people take to the internet in droves simply to discuss what they would like to see in certain aspects of the game instead of what the expect to see in the game.

What’s the topic on the minds of the masses at the minute? Why, music of course. The language that transcends all borders and can help fully immerse a player in the games world.

Obviously, it makes sense that the music in the game should suit the setting and match the theme of the region. Let’s say you’re in New Orleans, the home of blues. Can’t you just envision your character in a leather duster with a nice hat of some design, rifle in hands, wandering through the deserted streets of a post nuclear wasteland that once was New Orleans while a single lone radio warbles out a cross roads lament? I can, and it’s awesome.

So if you’re a Fallout fan and you’re of a musical disposition, what exactly would you like to see fill the track listings of the radio stations that just might still be in operation?

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