Katana ZERO Now Available, Breaks Switch Pre-Orders Record for Publisher

Askiisoft's pixel-art action platformer is already making an impact.

Stylish action platformer Katana ZERO is out now, bringing its gorgeous pixel-art murder to the masses at last. You can check out the launch trailer below to see it in action, but what’s perhaps more impressive is the hype behind the game. According to Devolver Digital in a recent tweet, Katana ZERO is currently the company’s most pre-ordered Switch title till date. The publisher hasn’t provided any figures on current pre-orders though.

Devolver Digital has previously published titles like Dodge Roll Games’ Enter the Gungeon on the Nintendo Switch, which “surpassed all expectations” with 750,000 units sold. In that regard, it will be interesting to see how Katana ZERO performs.

The game itself has been touted as being similar to Hotline Miami. It’s fast-paced, boasts insta-death combat, and allows players to manipulate time. The neo-noir setting also helps the visuals shine all the more. Katana ZERO is out for both Nintendo Switch and PC.

askiisoftDevolver DigitalKatana Zeronintendo switchpc