Kena: Bridge of Spirits Guide – All Collectibles and Their Locations

Want to find all of the Rot and their cute little hats, or perhaps collect all of the Spirit Mail and take on the Cursed Challenges? Here's how.

Ember Lab’s Kena: Bridge of Spirits contains roughly 210 collectibles across its 10 regions. These range from Rot and Meditation Spots (which are key for increasing Kena’s max health – see here for more details) to hats and Spirit Mail. If you want full 100 percent completion and all Trophies, then collecting them is key.

Also, though you could run around finding each collectible in a normal playthrough, it’s possible to return to the world after finishing the story. Since all of the different areas will be unlocked, it becomes easier to backtrack and pick up any missing collectibles. Let’s go over each collectible type and what they do:

  • Rot – There are 100 Rot in total and their purposes are manifold, from solving puzzles to healing Kena in battle and also executing special attacks once enough Courage is built up. Along with being located in the world, several Rot are received by progressing normally through the story.
  • Hats – As noted in previews before release, you can collect various hats for the different Rot. Hats can be found in secret areas or within chests but that’s only one part of the process. The next involves heading to a Hat Cart and then purchasing the hat in question with gems (though this doesn’t apply to hats earned by progressing through the story). While many of the hats can be worn by all of the Rot at a given time, some of the rarer ones can only be used on one at a time. Also, normal hats start at 10 gems and go up to 100 gems in price but the rarer ones require 500 gems each. In total, there are 51 hats to collect in the game.
  • Flower Shrines – These are specific locations which have been corrupted. You’ll need to defeat any enemies nearby or solve a specific puzzle in order to revitalize them. Revitalizing a shrine will reward Kena with gems and Karma. There are 24 Flower Shrines adorning the world in total.
  • Spirit Mail – There are 10 Spirit Mail to collect, and these are meant to unlock the different houses in the village. By using the mail, you can remove the corruption that’s blocking a house’s entrance and access any rewards within. Each house has a mailbox in front which contains a clue to where its respective Spirit Mail may be. Sometimes, there will be a battle inside of an unlocked house so keep that in mind when heading in.
  • Cursed Chests – As noted above, different collectibles like Rot, hats and gems can be found in various places. This includes Cursed Chests, which have a red glow unlike the normal chests. Opening them will result in a challenge against enemies, like slaying a set number before the timer runs out, killing a group and not taking damage, etc. There are 13 Cursed Chests overall and some only become available after completing certain sub-quests.
  • Meditation Spots – These are used to increase Kena’smax health. Many of these are located close to major boss fights but can also be found in hidden, out-of-the-way spots.

To locate all of the collectibles, check out Game Guides Channel’s video below. Kena: Bridge of Spirits is currently available for PS4, PS5 and PC. Read our official review here for more details or head here for additional tips and tricks.

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