In the upcoming latest installment in the Metal Gear Solid series, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, the character of Snake will be played by Kiefer Southerland, star of the series ’24’. Sutherland is known for the unique timbre of his voice, which seems like a perfect fit for the gritty character of Snake. Kojima spoke to how he feels that Sutherland’s involvement in the project will “raise the bar” of the game overall.
It’s no longer just about the words that a character speaks, it’s about the depth of their facial performance and the expressive tone of their voice. As technology evolves, it’s vital that the expressiveness of the characters in the game evolve to match the capabilities of the hardware. Kiefer is helping us to raise the bar in that respect, and I’m looking forward to the final result,” he said on Xbox Wire.
Ground Zeroes will act as a prequel to the second installment in the MGS5 cannon, and will release in March 2014 for the PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360.