Killing Floor 2 Will Run At 4K Resolution On Xbox One X

In addition to other enhancements.

Killing Floor 2, which will now also be hitting the Xbox One, will be making full use and taking full advantage of the considerable added power that Microsoft’s supercharged Xbox One X console affords the game- developers Tripwire Interactive have confirmed that the game will run in 4K resolution on the Xbox One X.

Apart from 4K support, the system will have increased performance, enhanced textures, and shadow maps and increased shadow-fade-out distance for Killing Floor 2. Additionally, the game will have Xbox exclusive content, such as the Freezethrower, in addition to launching with all previously made available content to begin with.

Killing Floor 2 is available on PC and PS4 right now, in case you want to play it, but don’t want to wait. The wait won’t be long, however. It will be launching on Xbox One on August 29, with Xbox One X enhancements being available right at that system’s launch on November 7.

Killing Floor 2pcps4Tripwire InteractiveXbox Onexbox one x