Killzone 4 Speculation Ramps Up As Rainbow Six: Siege Director and Designer Join Guerrilla Games

Could Guerrilla Games be gearing up to return to the first person shooter franchise?

Horizon: Zero Dawn turned out to be a landmark achievement for Guerrilla Games, and is probably their best game to date- but they’re still very much known as the creators and developers of Sony’s Killzone, the inconsistent but widely beloved first person shooter series. With the dawn of Horizon, though, the future of Killzone has seemed somewhat uncertain, which hasn’t been helped by the studio’s refusal to commit to sequel in recent years.

However, there’s a possibility that that might be about to change. Guerrilla Games has been going through pretty huge expansion, which entails moving to a new office and increasing their numbers to a total of 400 employees. As part of this new drive, they’ve hired two faces- Simon Larouche and Chris Lee, who worked on Rainbow Six: Siege as the game director and designer respectively (via ResetEra).

The LinkedIn pages of both (linked above) show that they’re now working for Guerrilla, with Larouche joining in February of 2018, and Lee joining this month, in October. What’s interesting, though, is that both their profiles indicate that they’re working on an unannounced title at the studio, with Larouche’s position on the project being Game Director, and Lee’s position being Principal Game Designer.

Why is that interesting? Well, other than the fact that they’re working on an unannounced title, those are also the exact same positions that both of them had while working on Rainbow Six: Siege, which seems to suggest that the new game they’re working on could be a similar first person multiplayer-centric shooter. There’s every chance that they could be working on Horizon 2, or maybe a new IP entirely, but it’s also worth considering that Larouche has worked at Guerrilla in the past as well, and was involved in the development of Killzone 2. 

Additionally, given the fact that Guerrilla Games plans to expand as significantly as it does, it wouldn’t be out of the question to assume that they could be working on two AAA projects at the same time. Does this mean this new unannounced game has to be Killzone 4? No, it doesn’t, but then again, it could be.

Either way, stay tuned to GamingBolt, and we’ll keep you updated on any new info that comes our way.

Guerrilla GameskillzoneKillzone 4ps4ps5Rainbow Six: SiegesonyUbisoft