Kingdom Hearts 3: Could Square Enix Release It On Nintendo Switch?

Fingers crossed, Nintendo fans.

The Nintendo Switch is obviously on the minds of a lot of gamers and game developers right now, being the newest system on the block, and given its unique hardware and its blend of console gaming and handheld gaming, game developers are understandably interested in trying to use its functionalities to their benefit. One such developer is Square Enix, who haven’t been shy in stating that they will be supporting the Switch to the best of their abilities.

Square Enix CEO Yosuke Matsuda has made it clear that the company will be developing lot of new games for the new Nintendo system, as well as port old (or recently released) ones. But what exactly does that entail? Does this mean that upcoming games by the Japanese publisher will be making their to the system? We already know Dragon Quest XI will be released for the Switch. Another game that I feel has a good chance of making it onto the system is Kingdom Hearts III, specially given how the console is selling like hot cakes.

We’re still a ways off from the game’s launch, so it makes sense that Square could easily spare some time to port the game to the Switch hardware’s ecosystem. There’s also the fact that Kingdom Hearts III is already going to be a multiplatform title, slated to release on both, the PS4 and the Xbox One. As such, it wouldn’t be a big stretch to assume that Square Enix might be interested in capitalising on the Switch and its userbase by releasing one of their biggest titles on it as well.

While it’s hard to imagine games like Final Fantasy XV making their way to the Nintendo system, I do feel that Kingdom Hearts III releasing on the Switch remains a strong possibility. What do you think? Tell us in the comments section below.

Kingdom Hearts IIInintendo switchps4Square EnixXbox One