Kursk Dev Excited By DirectX 12’s Potential, Hopes It Will Affect Xbox One Games Development

Michal Stepien is optimistic about DirectX 12 and its impact on games development.

In a recent interview with GamingBolt,  CEO and Creative Director of Jujubee Games Studio, Michal Stepien has shared his thoughts on the potential of DirectX 12. Jujubee are working on Kursk which is due for the PS4, Xbox One and PC. So given that the game is coming out on PC as well, will DX12 have any kind of impact on Kursk’s development?

“We’re really excited about DirectX 12 and all the new effects that you will get. But just like everybody – we’re waiting. Good thing is that most graphic cards are already DirectX 12 compatible,” Michal Stepien said to GamingBolt. On DirectX 12 affecting games development on the Xbox One,  he is hoping for the best. “And will DX12 affect development of Xbox One games? Hope so,” he stated.

What are your thoughts on this matter? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned for our full interview with Michal Stepien. For more on the game, check out the official site here.

DirectX 12Jujubee Games StudioKurskMicrosoftpcps4Xbox LiveXbox One