Left Alive is an intriguing seeming new action game from Square Enix that will be the successor to Front Mission. It was announced at the Tokyo Game Show last year, and the one thing about it that struck me the most was just how much its art resembled classic Metal Gear Solid– which, as it turned out, was for a reason, since Yoji Shinkawa, the art director of old Metal Gear games, is also doing the art on this one.
Anyway, we haven’t actually seen much of the game since its initial announcement, but Square Enix had an update this Gamescom, sharing a bunch of new screenshots for the title. They look interesting, though I am sure if you were to try and judge the game from just those, you wouldn’t be able to figure out what kind of title it will be (it’s an action game, just a heads up, featuring some mecha sequences to boot- though some of the screens do show that).
You can check out the screenshots below. Left Alive comes out exclusively for PS4 and PC.