Life Is Strange 2 Explains How Daniel Interaction System Works

The system is much deeper than you probably realize.

Next month will see the finale to Life is Strange 2. The Co-director of the game has mentioned that the final episode is almost finished. The game follows two brothers as they struggle on a harsh journey. From the beginning, there’s been a system in place where the younger brother, Daniel, is affected by Sean’s decisions. It’s never been entirely clear what the system entails, but now we have a video breaking down the surprisingly complicated system.

There’s actually two systems in place: morality and brotherhood. Daniel will see how Sean reacts through your player choices and that will affect both how he reacts both in general in the narrative, but also specifically towards Sean. And it’s not only the major story decisions, there’s also over 50 minor decisions that will impact his behaviour. Check it out below.

Life is Strange 2 Episodes 1-4 are available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The final episode will launch for all platforms December 3rd, and physical version of the game will launch afterward.

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