Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII E3 2013 Trailer Reveals Release Date, Returning Characters

Snow Villiers the new antagonist?

Square-Enix have released a new trailer for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, the third game in the series which follows the chronicles of Lightning as she struggles to save the world from annihilation.

The new trailer also throws in some interesting details – such as the release for the game on Xbox 360 and PS3, which will be on February 11th 2014 in North America and February 14th 2014 in Europe.

The new trailer also shows off some of the combat, which has taken a much more action-oriented approach then previous titles. We also get a peak at Noel Kriess, one of the protagonists from Final Fantasy XIII-2, and Snow Villiers from Final Fantasy XIII, both attacking Lightning for their own reasons.

We’d wager “insanity” as a probable cause, but fair enough. Conflict, plot and whatnot.

Hopefully E3 2013 will be bringing more details out regarding the game, especially since it will be skipping this year and the next generation of consoles. Maybe Final Fantasy XV will fill that void?

e3 2013Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIIps3Square Enixxbox 360