Square Enix released a new video for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, with game design director Yuji Abe showcasing the main quest you take up while exploring the Wildlands region. The quest in question has you hunting for a Chocobo, the capture of which forms the core of the main story. Because you will need the Chocobo to progress through it.
To be fair, at least it plays out like a normal quest. You’ll need to talk to the townsfolk for clues while fighting off monsters and exploring areas. Fairly straightforward, but still enough to do rather than just standing around watching cutscenes. Now, hopefully there’s more to the game than just quests like this.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII will be releasing this year in Japan, but will launch on February 12th 2014 in North America and February 14th 2014 in Europe for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Stay tuned for more details.