Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Trailer Lets You Choose Your Outfit

To view of course, not to wear.

Square Enix has released a new trailer for the upcoming Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, which lets you choose a different square and view the respective costume for Lightning. Because at this point, we need to be reminded that there are 80 outfits in the game for Lightning to don. Thirteen of them are viewable through the above video, so check it out if you’re interested.

Some of Lightning’s outfits include Yuna’s Summoner dress, Cloud’s SOLDIER armour and Buster Sword, the old Final Fantasy XIII outfit and blade, and much more. There are also other outfits including a Turk-like suit, a catgirl costume (complete with suggestive poses) and a samurai outfit. The purposes of these outfits? For fun (we think).

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII releases on February 11th 2014 in North America and February 14th 2014 in Europe. It will be releasing later this year in Japan though, so stay tuned for the odd review or two from overseas.

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