Little Nightmares Teased By Bandai Namco, Reveal Coming At Gamescom?

Now what could this be?

It looks like Bandai Namco may be preparing a brand new announcement. They at the very least appear to be teasing something new, called Little Nightmares, on a new site, which features a sliding block puzzle and asks users to “unveil what has been lurking in the deepest darkest depths”. There appear to be three puzzles in total, two of which are due to roll out tomorrow and on Wednesday respectively, ahead of a reveal trailer coming on Thursday.

The term ‘nightmares’ almost seems to hint at something Souls-esque in nature- but then again, given that Bandai Namco have promised a new western oriented IP announcement coming at Gamescom, this may very well be just that.

Whatever it is, we should know soon, with Gamescom beginning soon- what Bandai Namco have planned should be clear to everyone soon enough. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage and information regarding this announcement, whatever it is that it turns out to be.

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