LittleBigPlanet 2 Release Pushed Back To 2011

Media Molecule have just confirmed that their upcoming title, LittleBigPlanet 2’s release date has been delayed to January 2011. They say: “We know this will come as disappointing news for all you LittleBigPlanet fans, and believe us, we are disappointed too. We are a tight-knit team and we take enormous pride in our work, so to raise the bar we’ve set with the original LittleBigPlanet, a game that has been so embraced by all, we’ve agreed to allow ourselves a bit more time to deliver the experience that our great fans and community deserve. We are truly sorry, but hope you understand that we have to build the best possible game, as it is the foundation of our community.”

Sure we are disappointed, guys. But at least we will get to play a better game.

You can check out our exclusive preview of LBP2 here.

lbplbp 2LittleBigPlanet 2Media Moleculeps3sony