Lords Of The Fallen Video Bring Thanks And Answers

Less hack and slash, more dark souls.

A few days ago, Lords of the Fallen developers Deck13 Interactive and CI Games took to the internet not to complain but to thank players for their participation in testing the game and to help answer some questions that they may have had about the game and to address any concerns that the hack and slash title may have.

For example, movement speed is not directly tied to the characters move speed, despite what conventional action RPG’s may have taught you. Weapon speed is tied to the individual weapons, not character classes. So a rolly polly burly tank, is exactly that, but your nice light rapier-esque weapon is still going to be nimble. A nice change to things indeed.

Lords of the fallen is shaping up nicely if you were to ask me. It looks great, sounds great and I think it looks as though it plays great. I’m yet to get my hands on it. But all good things in due time yeah?

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