Mafia 3 E3 Premiere Trailer Offers 20 Minutes of Gameplay

Developer offers insight on many aspects of the game.

mafia 3mafia 3

Hangar 13’s Mafia 3 has received a very sizable E3 trailer, showcasing the game’s mechanics, combat and brutal violence. In an extended video with IGN, creative director Haden Blackman and executive producer Andy Wilson offer more information on the gameplay. Check it out below.

Starting at the 19 minute mark, we get a look at some of the brutal tricks that protagonist Lincoln Clay is capable of, including the bloody executions he can perform at close range. The overall scope of the single-player is pretty cinematic and should please fans of the previous game. The benefit this time around is that there seems to be a sizable open world to support the shenanigans of the story.

Mafia 3 will be releasing on October 7th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. What are your thoughts on the trailer, especially with regards to the gunplay and combat? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more updates from E3.

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