Major Nelson on Titanfall for PS4: Depends on Game, “Not Worried About” Timed Exclusivity

The title's status as a timed exclusive gets more ambiguous.

Every now and again, the same question keeps coming back: Will Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall be a timed exclusive to the Xbox One and Xbox 360? Considering the growing demand for PS4 consoles and Respawn’s own replies to the same, it certainly seems possible. If not next year when the game releases, then why not the year after? Never say never, and all that jazz.

One individual who put his two cents in regarding Titanfall’s exclusivity is Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb, the Director of Programming for Xbox Live. When asked on Reddit about the exclusivity status of Titanfall, and whether it would be a timed exclusive, heading to PS4 at a later time, or a lifetime exclusive, remaining solely on Xbox platforms, Nelson replied, “As far as being an exclusive that’s really a question for Titanfall – I’m not worried about it though.”

As of now, it’s never been obvious that Microsoft is putting pressure on Respawn or even paying them major bucks to keep the game on Xbox consoles. Perhaps Respawn saw the success of first person shooters on the Xbox 360 as compared to PS3 and thought that this would help give Titanfall a major bump up when it releases on Xbox One? No one can really say for sure, but if Nelson’s lack of worry says anything, it’s that the game might just stay exclusive after all.

Titanfall releases on the Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC in 2014.

EAMajor Nelsonpcrespawn entertainmentTitanFallxbox 360Xbox One