Making Games For Xbox One Is Like Assuming All Your Users Have A Powerful Gaming PC: Press Play

Studio director Mikkel Thorsted also talks about the dev's relationship with Microsoft.

Even with the lesser number of exclusives and some hardware problems, both the Xbox One and PS4 have presented an ideal development solution thanks to their x86-based architectures. This makes it easier to create cutting edge visuals and optimize the game without too much effort. GamingBolt recently had a chance to speak Press Play studio director Mikkel Thorsted, who worked on Max: The Curse of Brotherhood for the Xbox One, to find out just how much easier it is to develop for the next gen console as compared to the PC.

“Developing for the Xbox One has been a smooth experience and the great specs has removed a lot the fiddling we are used to when making our games run on consoles. In comparison to PC working with Xbox One is great. You know the exact specs and resolutions you want your game to run in and all the meta systems like Achievements and DVR are build into the platform. Making games for the Xbox One is like assuming all your users have a powerful gaming PC with a certain set of specs, which makes developing games a lot easier.”

Given that The Curse of Brotherhood is a remake of Max and The Magic Marker, which released for PC and Mac, and the former is an Xbox exclusive, what does that say about the relationship Press Play has with Microsoft? Thorsted pretty much snuffed out any chance of the game coming out for the PS4 or any other consoles down the line.

“We were acquired last year by Microsoft. We’re proud of the relationship between Press Play and Microsoft. We have been able to maintain our independent culture, and are able to make our own product decisions, with the full support of Microsoft. We view the relationship more as a partnership – than anything else. But since we are a Microsoft Studio I feel safe to say that Max: The Curse of Brotherhood will not be released on PS4.”

What are your thoughts on the development process for the Xbox One? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Max: The Curse of BrotherhoodMicrosoftpcPress PlayXbox One