Malboro Returns In Final Fantasy 15, New Footage Shows

So much bad breath...

Malboro, who has been a recurring enemy in the Final Fantasy games, will also be showing up in the upcoming, highly anticipated Final Fantasy 15, according to the new footage that we got for the game today as part of the Active Time Report live stream. The Active Time Report live stream was coming to us straight from Gamescom, and was part of the media blitz that the game is getting at the show this year.

As Final Fantasy veterans probably know, Malboros are devastatingly difficult enemies to square up against; their signature move, Bad Breath, can inflict a whole plethora of status ailments on your party, crippling them and taking them out in one go.

You can check out Malboro for yourself in the footage, which we’ve embedded for you below.

That said… if you were hoping for anything more substantial today, you were disappointed without a doubt. At least we have more updates and footage for the game coming up in the following days.

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