Mass Effect 4 Designer Teases More Information And Mako, Game Is Looking Rad

Jos Hendriks is playing the next Mass Effect and he thinks it's awesome.

Bioware hasn’t showered us with Mass Effect 4 information in the past year (we’re still waiting for an official name till this point) but it has offered one tiny bit of information after another. The latest bits come via designer Jos Hendriks who talked on Twitter about traversing the space in the game. Hendriks first tweeted that, “I’m in space now, you guys. Space sure looks pretty these days.”

Hendriks further described the sensation of exploring space in the game. “Oh man, this is so f**king rad. I’m having that feeling of wonder and excitement. I love space.” He then ended with saying, “I just want to play a full game of this now. Can it be done yet?”

Next, Hendricks talks about the new Mako. The Mako was a land-faring vehicle introduced in the very first Mass Effect that faced quite a few complaints based on its handling and durability. Bioware revealed that he Mako would be in the next Mass Effect but offer a significantly better experience this time around.

“And now I am in the Mako. Time to go exploring.”

Unfortunately, there was still plenty that Hendriks couldn’t tell us. “I can’t tell you about the stuff I’m seeing and doing. But it is really cool stuff. Loving the feel of the Mako zipping across terrain.”

Perhaps most interesting of all is how impressed Hendriks is with a single part of the game even though there’s so much more that’s being worked on. “I spend so much time so laser-focused on the one part of the game I’m working on that I don’t see all the other things that are being made.”

Hendriks further acknowledged the last showing of the Mako, stating that, “There was a Mako sneak peek not too long ago, and at the end there was that second of the Mako cresting a hill and showing vast terrain.”

He continued by saying that, “I remember seeing that and thinking, wow, that looks awesome. And now I’m playing it. And it is awesome. So pretty.”

Which is all well and good but we’ll need to wait till next year until we can hear more about Mass Effect 4. So stay tuned for more details and let us know what you think in the comments.

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