Mass Effect 4: One of The First Game Assets Possibly Teased

Might this be the very first Mass Effect 4 asset?

On May 22nd of 2015, video games development studio Bioware celebrated their 20th anniversary as a a video game development studio. The studio was founded back in 1995. Feel old yet? To celebrate their anniversary, BioWare Edmonton and Montreal General Manager Aaryn Flynn took to Twitter to share a message as well as an image. Saying, “So touching reading the #BioWare20 messages! No time to reminisce though – we’re building the future #N7”.

The message was accompanied by what appears to be a render of an arm clad in skin tight N7 armour, similar in design to the armour we’ve come to know and love on Commander Shepard (note the pitted armour with plating). This may well be the first official in-game asset that we’ve seen for Mass Effect 4.

Whether or not this means the protagonist of the game is going to be an N7 or not is still up for debate. I imagine someone, somewhere, is speculating that tight armour means scout classes or something like that. Mass Effect 4 will most likely release on PS4, Xbox One and PC sometime in 2016.

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