Mass Effect 4: Online Won’t Take Away From The ‘Massive’ Single Player, Space Looking Remarkable

A mini Mass Effect 4 information blowout.

Whether you loved or hated Mass Effect 3 it’s difficult to deny that it had a fantastic multiplayer suite. My friends and I logged countless hours into it and it never seemed to subtract from the games massive single player narrative. Well it would appear as though this is going to be the case in Mass Effect 4 according to Chris Wynn, the Senior Development Director for the game.

Speaking by way of his personal Twitter feed, Chris has said, “If anyone is concerned that online will take away from single player, I assure you that SP will be MASSIVE in the next Mass Effect.” Speaking to a player that didn’t want multiplayer in the game, because there’s always a dissenting opinion, Chris simply said to “keep in mind that many people do.” Another use jokingly asked Chris to promise he would take good care of the game because they were feeling nervous, to which he responded, “I promise and will even pinky swear.”

Jay Watamaniuk, a writer at Bioware recently Tweeted about a company meeting that feature lots of “#space stuff” and that it was all looking “remarkable” which gives us an idea of how development is going from a visual point of view. Speaking about the same meeting, Michael Gamble, producer on the game, Tweeted out a message saying, “Amazing @bioware studio meeting today. Lots of wonderful Dragon Age and Mass Effect content. I’m so proud to be part of this.”

The next Mass Effect does not have a release date yet but is expected to arrive on the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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