Mass Effect Andromeda – ‘All The Elements You’d Want of A Mass Effect Game, Of Course They’ll Be There’

Fans can rest easy.

Although Mass Effect Andromeda is one of the most anticipated upcoming games at the moment, there’s an unspoken worry about it that stands. Bioware’s last game was Dragon Age Inquisition, which took that series in a direction the fans decidedly did not like.

Everything we hear of Andromeda makes it sound like it, like Inquisition, will have a more open ended focus, with less of the emphasis on storytelling that made the series so big to begin with. Plus, of course, the one gameplay demo we have seen for the game so far did nothing to allay these fears. However, according to Bioware’s Mac Walters, fans have nothing to fear. Speaking to GeekPron, Walters said that Andromeda would have everything that fans expect from a Mass Effect game.

“Without getting into too many details before N7 day coming up, I think people should be excited about the same things we as developers are excited about,” he said. “We wanted a fresh start, not just for story and game, but for ourselves. A lot of the magic of developing the first game was that we didn’t have a background on Mass Effect yet. So, what can we do, that will surprise and delight the players? That’s what I think people should look forward to – all the elements you’d want of a Mass Effect game, of course they’ll be there. But we try to have a forward-looking mindset and imagine new things. What better way to start anew than by going to a new galaxy? We hope it feels fresh for everyone, whether you’ve never played before or played a hundred hours.”

Hopefully, this holds true. Personally, I think it will- and that Andromeda will be like a new age evolution of the original Mass Effect, which is something that I would love to see. Mass Effect Andromeda is due to launch before the end of March 2017.

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