Mass Effect Andromeda: Bioware Talks About The Benefits of Using HDR And NVIDIA Ansel

The game is going to look good, no doubt.

Mass Effect Andromeda is due out in the next few months and if there’s one thing we likely know about the game, it’s that it’s going to look really good. We already talked about the inclusion of Nvidia Ansel earlier this month, but it can’t be overstated how much that alone is going to help the look of the game.

BioWare’s Fabrice Condominas recently spoke at CES 2017 about HDR implementation in the game. He talked about how it wasn’t planned when the title’s development started, because it didn’t exist, but it wasn’t that hard to put it in now that development is reaching its final stages.

Using this technology will also help improve the immersion factor of the game, even more than it will help the look and feel. Then there’s the inclusion of Ansel, which will allow players to take 360-degree screenshots. This will also allow the team to fix any problems when they pop up. Mass Effect Andromeda is due to hit the Xbox One, PC and PS4 on March 21.

Thanks, Gamer Nexus.

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