Mass Effect Andromeda Loyalty Missions Guide

Making friends, and keeping them on your side.

The signature feature of the Mass Effect series is its Loyalty Missions- Bioware’s own take on the age old concept of taking personal relationships, and having them be an integral part of the roleplaying game experience. Loyalty Missions were the most beloved part of Mass Effect 2, where depending on how close you were to crew members, what ending you got could change entirely.

Loyalty missions are back in Mass Effect Andromeda, the newest entry in the series- and while they are no longer integral to how the story in the game progresses, they are likely to be something that most players spent a lot of time on. If you find yourself among this number, then this guide is the right place for you to be at.


Jaal is one of the natives of Andromeda Galaxy that you will encounter in this game and have a chance to recruit. The video below walks you through Jaal’s Loyalty Mission:


Peebee is an Asari- which means she’s likely to be one of the more popular Loyalty Missions for most players. This video walks you through her Loyalty Mission:


Vetra Nyx is a Turian- in many ways, she can be the female Garrus this time around. Which sadly deprives you of the opportunity of having a bro like Garrus on your squad- until you find out Vetra can be every bit the bro that Garrus could be. This is her Loyalty Mission:


Cora is a human- which means for many, she may seem to be the least interesting character. However, she is well versed in the realm of biotics, so ignore her at your own risk. Plus, she’s damn good at what she does, too.


Drack’s a Krogan, which means he brings with himself freakishly intimidating strength. His Loyalty Mission is a test of your capability, but if you come through, you gain an invaluable ally.


Liam Kosta is a human security and response specialist, who also happens to have some civilian tactical training. Here’s his Loyalty Mission:

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