Mass Effect Andromeda New Companions Detailed – Meet Liam and PeeBee

Bioware working to make new team feel fresh.

Game Informer has even more information to share about the new companions in Mass Effect Andromeda. Creative director Mac Walters discussed two people – Liam, a former cop now in charge of security and PeeBee, an Asari on an adventure.

Concerning Liam, Walters said that he’s “the youthful, enthusiastic, and in some cases, the idealistic follower that you get.”

Liam can be upbeat and hopeful but also passionate and quick to anger. Regardless, Walters says “he’s got Ryder’s back.”

Then there’s PeeBee who separated from her Ark and must be met on a mission to get her to join you. She’s not much for etiquette unlike, say, Liara. “Her mind goes quickly as does her mouth. It’s hard keeping up with her.” PeeBee is altogether “very bubbly”.

“PeeBee will buck the norm at any given time. She’s not about rules or culture or anything like that. She’s not even about teams or teamwork. Her role in this is helping you find out more about this alien technology.”

The goal now is to have this new cast feel different. One character was even removed when it appeared to be too much like the older characters meshed together. “Sometimes writers focus on the quirks or specific nuances of the character [thinking] that’s what’s going to make this character interesting.

“Honestly, it’s a combination of a whole bunch of things, and what I say is rather than trying to make a really unique or memorable character through your writing, take a character who’s relatable and put them in a really unique situation and see how they react. That’s actually how I think you get the most interesting character development happening.”

Mass Effect Andromeda is out in Spring 2017 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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