Mass Effect Andromeda Runs at 30 FPS on PS4 Pro, PS4

No frame rate differences at this time.

We already discovered that multiplayer games on the PS4 Pro would run at the same frame rate as PS4 during yesterday’s reveal. However, there could be negligible frame rate differences for titles like Mass Effect Andromeda as well.

Bioware producer Fabrice Condominas told GameSpot that while the PS4 Pro is more powerful than the PS4 and could deliver higher frame rates, Mass Effect Andromeda will be running at 30 FPS on both consoles. Furthermore, the build showcased at the PlayStation Meeting was pre-alpha. Further optimization could improve performance on the PS4 Pro and also result in a different experience from the gameplay that was showcased.

Of course, Mass Effect Andromeda isn’t the only culprit. Sucker Punch’s Jason Connell noted to GameSpot that even inFamous: Second Son and First Light would run at the same frame rates on PS4 Pro as the normal PS4.

What are your thoughts on this, especially since the PS4 Pro is theoretically faster? Let us know in the comments.

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