Mass Effect Andromeda Will No Longer Have A Multiplayer Tech Test

That's disappointing.

If you were hoping to go hands on with the upcoming, highly anticipated Mass Effect Andromeda ahead of time – maybe just the multiplayer mode thanks to Bioware’s previously promised Mass Effect Andromeda multiplayer tech test, which would basically amount to a beta for the multiplayer mode – well, you’re out of luck. Bioware has announced that it has cancelled its plans to hold any such test.

The company confirms that while it will have a live multiplayer test for attendees at PAX East, there will be no such test for players at home. Whether this means that Bioware is confident in its infrastructure for the multiplayer mode, or that it has no confidence in its multiplayer offerings, or that it simply does not care, is unknown. What it does mean is that those of you who signed up for this and were looking forward to it have some disappointment to reconcile yourselves with.

Mass Effect Andromeda will launch on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on March 21.

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