Media Molecule’s Dreams Showcased Live At Tokyo Game Show

We get to see some new games created entirely within Dreams.

Media Molecule’s Dreams is a game that is all about the joy of creating, and from what we’ve experienced of it, it is truly mesmerizing. The developers spoke earlier about how they wanted the game to be entertaining even for someone just watching the process of creation happening. Well, the game was showcased at the Tokyo Game Show, and it certainly is worth seeing what’s possible in this game.

First of all, we get to see some of the different kinds of games that can be created within Dreams, and this included stuff we already saw at PAX West, as well as some completely new games. Furthermore, they also recreated the entire show-floor of Tokyo Game Show within the game- neat! This was quickly made into a racing game, which also showcased how the camera movement works for such a type of game made within Dreams. Some new robot buddies were also introduced to the audience, and a part of the game’s story was also explored using 2 player co-op mode.

You can check out all that was shown of Dreams at Tokyo Game Show in the video below. We don’t have a release date for this game yet, but it will be a PS4 exclusive, presumably some time in 2019.

DreamsMedia Moleculeps4sonytgs 2018Tokyo Game Show 2018