Metal Gear Rising: Revengance Announced for PC

PC Version coming time to rejoice

Metal Gear Rising: Revengance will now be coming out for PC. Fans have been asking for a PC version ever since the game came out back in February of this year.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengance took the Metal Gear franchise into a whole different level of gameplay. The new Metal Gear wasn’t a sequel or had anything to do with Solid Snake whatsoever; instead you played as Raiden who’s a cyborg ninja from the franchise.

The gameplay style of Metal Gear Rising: Revengance was all about fast action and fluid combat mechanics, it introduced the unique blade/ripper mode mechanic where time slows down, and you can cut your enemies to pieces with your wide variety of different weapons.

The game doesn’t boast amazing graphics or pretty looking environments but instead it provided good challenging boss fights, fantastic combat system and just fun gameplay overall.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengance will be running at 60 FPS “on most modern PCs” and will be released digitally according to the press release.

Let us know if you’ll be picking up the PC version of Metal Gear Rising: Revengance in the comments section below.

Check back on GamingBolt for more news and updates and expect to hear more about it at E3 2013.

hideo kojimaMetal Gear Rising: RevengancepcPlatinum GamesPlayStation 3ps3raidenSteamWindowsxbox 360