Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain: MGO3 Will Be A Unique Multiplayer Experience

Doing what's most fun is the best thing for the game.

Kojima Productions Los Angeles are currently hard at work bringing the newest Metal Gear Online multiplayer experience to life in a meaningful way. Tasked with making the revived online multiplayer mode of Metal Gear Solid, the team recently spoke out to the gaming community by way of their Twitter account.

Speaking about how their doing this and what they have drawn some inspiration from, the team said “We’re building MGO from the ground up with certain design ideas in mind, which includes looking at the past (MGO2/1), as well as creating a unique multiplayer experience.”

They then continued to speak on player influence and their overall goal for the game, “Down the road though we hope to engage in greater detail on all aspects of the game. So while we talk yet on all your requests/queries, know we’re considering everything but will ultimately do what we believe is the most fun. That said, no discussion is closed completely, so certainly voice your thoughts on all aspects.”

This, of course, bodes well for the fans.


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