Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Quiet and DD Scenes in English, Buddy System Explained

Trailers galore!

Konami have gone ahead and released both of their Tokyo Game Show trailers for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, this time with English voice acting in place. The two videos in question are Quiet’s arrival and arrest at Mother Base as well as the introduction of DD. Check them out below

When Quiet arrives at the base  and turns invisible, the men switch to thermal vision to locate her. What you may not have known is that The Boss already knows that at some time down the line, Quiet has to die and that he’ll be the one to pull the trigger.

As for the DD trailer, it’s quite chock full of puns and witty banter, like a diamond in the rough needing a little polish, or an Ocelot raising hounds.

Director and everyone’s favourite lunatic, Hideo Kojima. also touched on the matter of the buddy system stressing that players should exercise caution when they decide to take extracted soldiers with them, because they were your enemy at one point. He also mentioned that he won’t be appearing as a buddy. “If I got you spotted you might take it out on me”. Quiet has been confirmed as a Buddy though, so it will be interesting to see how her dynamic with Snake plays out.


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