Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain’s Plot Possibly Leaked

We've spotted potential leaks. Ready the damage control.

The Metal Gear series has always been considered interesting from a narrative point of view because of it’s ability to skip decades in the narrative yet still remain cohesive, if a little silly. The brain child of Hideo Kojima is subjected to analysis by fine toothed comb upon every new release to try and find hidden plot elements, teasers and secrets.

With that being said, it’s easy to understand why people go to great lengths to expose all the relevant plot information they can, even if that means potentially leaking unreleased information. Before you read on it’s worth noting that this information was gather from the video game threads of the 4Chan forum, so whether it’s true or not is very difficult to tell. The “leaker” cites that this information has been released because “They [Konami] fired too many people, they won’t know who made this.”

In interest of the gaming community we have not listed the spoilers but you can read the leak here but beware, there are potential major spoilers. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is due for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC in 2015. For more on the game, check our hub page here.

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